Viaclone Machine

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The Viaclone Machine is a Viacom version of a cloning machine to create Viaclones (Viacom clones of any person or living thing) that were invented by Viacom Inc. after destroying Wario’s Wa-Machine and collected all of the parts. Viacom Inc. began to create MOAR! Viaclones of any Nickelodeon character and others to destroy YouTube Poop and teach YouTube Poopers an lesson. They also created Viaclones of the Teletubbies.

Settings[edit | edit source]

The Viaclone Machine has 4 settings:

  • Clone: The Viaclone Machine makes an exact copy of whoever is inside it, can be combined with the lower two options if you just want to have a viaclone of something and still keep the original. When combined with Via-ify it's called a Viaclone.
  • Via-ify: The Viaclone Machine makes injects 3.33% of ViaRui of whoever is inside it. Notable examples can be found here. A bug is that after 5 Via-ifications, the next viaclone usually will asplode. This got fixed in the 2.0 version.
  • UnVia-ify: Makes the person normal again by taking 3.33% ViaRui out, can be used to make such people as Bowarigi, the "normalized" version of ViaBowarigi. If you try to remove ViaRui from something that doesn't have any inside them, you might be stupider than The Stupid One.
  • Fusion Clone: The Viaclone Machine makes a clone that is a fusion of all the things that it has sucked up. No equivalent exists in the Viaclone Machine 2.0 due to how that one operates.